Sunday, February 12, 2006

Father/Daughter Dance

A close up of Lily's hair--I tried to do a French twist.
Lily and Dad at the dance.
Lily and her friend Anna.
Lily and Rachel.
Ready to go.

Lily had her Father/Daughter Dance last night for Girl Scouts. She was really excited to go. The theme was Hollywood and they were supposed to dress like their favorite Hollywood star--which is hard. Lily just tried to look glamorous. My mom found her a black dress with "a point". (It had an assymetrical hem) Very Paris Hilton--HAHA!(So she also took her "dog in a purse") It was so funny when she opened the dress. She said, "I've always wanted a dress with a point!"
Anyway, she had woken up yesterday with a headache. I gave her Motrin all day and she seemed fine. She said she still wanted to go. About halfway through the dance, Jeff said she started feeling bad again, but she wanted to stay. Heaven forbid she miss anything! She had fun anyway. We're making her take it easy on the couch today, though. I just hope it doesn't turn into anything else!


Amy said...

She's so grown up looking. Our scouts don't do a father/daughter dance. Looks like fun.