Well Wyatt made it back safe and sound from Space Camp. The bus got in about 9:30 last night. You won't believe this......he stepped off the bus in the SAME clothes he left in. That's right, no change of clothes for 3 days!! And all that thought I put into matching "outfits". Well, at least I didn't have any laundry! No teeth brushing for 3 days either. He had SUCH an awesome time, though, and was talking 100 miles and hour about everything he saw and did. He said it was even more fun than he thought it was going to be. It sounds like he learned a lot and he came home with a really cool group picture in front of the Pathfinder. He also got a nice certificate that we are going to frame and hang in his room. If anyone you know ever gets an opportunity to go, I highly recommend it!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Lily's BFF Emma spent the night last night. They went to movie night at Lily's dance studio.
Here they are today playing in the water. Actually, they asked if they could clean my birdbath out---of course!! When I finally looked at it later, it was the cleanest it has ever been since it was new!
They asked to have a lemonade stand. They did it all themselves---made the lemonade, carried the picnic table around front, made the sign and..................................
Look at this flock of boys! I hope this isn't a sign of times to come!! They did make $1.50 each!
My son never ceases to make me laugh. I was giving his room a good cleaning today(mostly because I can throw stuff away when he's not around---AND I didn't want him to come home to a dirty room--even though he did leave it that way) Anyway, I found this. A bag of some old parts to some electricity experiment thingy. He had written "cool stuff" and the date on the bag. Funny.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ready to go.
Wyatt with his friend Josh. He was so glad he got in the hotel room tonight with his friends.
Getting on the bus. The buses were super nice inside with plush seats and controls above them like on an airplane. It had a TV and bathrooms. too! Good thing, because it's a loooong ride. That's Lily waving bye to him-she and Rachel both cried after the bus pulled away--I can't believe I didn't!
He said I was embarassing him taking pictures. Guess he didn't care that all the parents were, not just me. He's getting so funny about that anymore-not wanting me to touch him in the hall, etc. Guess I knew it was coming-but it's still hard when it does!
Here's the bus departing. Wow! Can't believe he's gone and I won't talk to him for 3 whole days!
Wyatt left for Space Camp this afternoon. It's in Huntsville, Alabama. They'll be gone til Sunday night. We don't even get to talk to them the whole time-there is a phone tree to let us know when they reach their destinations (they will stay in Tennessee tonight and on to Alabama in the morning) and when they are close to home again. I know he'll be fine and it will be really good for him to have to take care of himself totally for a few days. He was so excited! I know it will also be a great learning experience for him. It's just gonna be a weird weekend without him!
Posted by Melody Searcy at 11:58 PM 0 comments
All of 4th grade-they look so big. 4th grade seems to be such a year for growing. They look SO much bigger at the end of 4th grade than at the beginning.
Lots of snickering and eye rolling here - they had to hold hands!
Wyatt had his Spring program at school last night. He did a good job even though he wasn't too excited about it. I don't think many of the boys were. As a matter of fact, their teacher told us that she told them before they went on, "I don't care how cheesey you think this is-you better smile and do you're best-it's Mrs. Watson's last program and you better do your best for her!" It was funny, too, because her class was definitely moving to the music more than the others. Our music teacher is retiring after 27 years.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Hoeing the garden at Conner Prairie.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
RIP Rainbow
Digging the grave.
Placing the headstone-(a cross made from 2 popscicle sticks)
Well, we finally buried Lily's belated fish, Rainbow, after 4 days. It was in a zip lock in the garage all that time and looked exactly the same-which surprised me. I was kind of scared to look at it. Wyatt was the brave one that emptied him out of the bag. We buried him next to Skeeter. Guess we have a fish cemetary now!She still says everyday that she misses him. Can't believe you can get that attached to fish, but I guess she was. Her new one is doing fine so far.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
I'm guilty of this---and it bothers me a lot. I expect perfection of my kids. I don't know why I'm like this, but I'm sure there is all kinds of psychological mumbo jumbo trying to explain it. I came across this article and I think it has some really great points. Even if you are not guilty of this, it is worth reading. I especailly love the part in the last paragraph about watching your kids discover who they are.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Lily taking her turn.
Jeff giving it a try.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 12:54 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
Rachel and Wyatt dressed up for school today. They went on a field trip to the symphony and got to eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. They really enjoyed it! They have another field trip next Friday to Conner Prairie and I get to go along as a teacher helper! I love that I can work and still do things like field trips and class parties with the kids.
Lily had her soccer rally tonight and got her uniform. She couldn't wait to get home and try the whole thing on---shin guards and all. The pose above was her idea--too funny. She's such a ham! Then she talked her dad into going outside to kick around with her. Jeff wishes he knew more about soccer to help her--it's just not his sport. I'm hoping she'll catch on quickly. We'll see.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Lady done in marker.
Flowers in vase done in pastels.
Here are Lily's last 2 Monart pieces for a while. She's taking a break from it to try soccer. I will miss seeing her art but she was ready to try something different.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Sunday at Uncle Howard's farm.
Hunting eggs at Aunt Pat's farm.
Posted by Melody Searcy at 8:32 PM 0 comments