Wyatt at his school Halloween party.
Lily and Reid with their ghost windsocks.
Check out the looks on their faces--do you think they like each other?
Lily's class with their ghost windsock craft. Lily's way in the back-you can barely see her!
The kids had their school Halloween parties yesterday. I helped with Lily's party so only got to sneak in Wyatt's for a minute. He'll get me for the Christmas party. I was in charge of the craft and I think they turned out really cute. Thanks to Amy for directing me to the Family Fun website for ideas. I found this cute ghost windsock idea and altered it a little. It was really simple.
Lily is totally infatuated with this little boy Reid in her class---and I have to say I think he's equally infatuated with her. I need to get them together sometime because he actually lives on our street--down on the other end, though. They insisted on the picture of just the two of them and both kept pushing the other kids away when they tried to get in the picture! It was cute. She said to me after school "Mom, do you know why I want Reid to come over?" I said no, why--and she got all embarrassed. She finally admitted(which I had already figured out) that it was so she could kiss him!! We had a conversation about how she is too young to kiss boys(except for Dad and Wyatt). Man, I am scared for her teen-age years!!!!
We are trying to get ready to go to Kentucky for the long weekend--it's Fall break today and tomorrow. We're leaving tonight and I have a TON to do. Hopefully I'll get some cute pictures while there to post when we get back.
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